Quranic Verse Caligraphy

The Beauty of Life

Once before I wrote about the beauty of life and had described how it is a natural part of our lives but most of us either take it for granted or do not appreciate it’s existence at all. Lately however, I have been told and coerced by my hurt and pain into considering, if perhaps […]

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Arab man praying on mat in desert. Male is in traditional wear. He is kneeling on sand.

A Solitary Stillness: The Healing Hand

In its deathly stillness, I hear His voiceless words echoing across the cavernous conflict Resonating my entire soul, dissolving the forlorn stillness into a profound silence. “Oh, son of Adam, indeed, ‘He answers those who believe and do good’.” (Surah Ash-Shura) Trials of faith and generosity, trust and loyalty, oppressive truths, and crushing realities Consuming

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footprints in sand

A Solitary Stillness

From beneath the blanket of a lightless blackness, I have felt the warmth of a thousand splendid suns. From my perch atop the hill called love and friendship, I have heard a great symphony of countless melodies – songs of deceit and devotion, trust and treachery. To the winding woods of kindness and compassion, I

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al baqarah

A Silent Crowd

“And indeed We have honored all the children of Adam” -Surah Al Issra These words of our Master proclaimed the honor and sanctity of every human existence. May you be a true believer, a Jew or a Christian, an atheist or a theist from any religion, the fact that you are a son or a

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Surah Baqarah 184

The Gift

It is the time near the breaking of the fast in Ramadan that you can truly feel the love of The Most Loving caressing your patient and persevering heart. When I was little, I used to think why does Allah want me to be hungry and thirsty to please Him? Does He get pleasure out

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Quote by Helen Keller

A Spectrum of Colors

I was once requested to elaborate upon Helen Keller’s quote “the seeing see little”. At the time I did not know that in explaining my understanding of these 4 words I would embark upon a journey of self-discovery and learn to appreciate the true beauty of our world. However, to truly grasp the depth of

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