
We humans have, indeed, been blessed an extraordinary ability which makes our lives worth living. A power that goes beyond the scope of all other creatures. For no other creature can recall and relive the best and the worst moments of their lives, as we can. Perhaps, it is because of this ability that some of us start taking comfort from our miseries and begin to feel numb to its poison, and knowingly or unknowingly keep on reminding ourselves of the pain caused by a severed bond, or the bitterness of an overwhelming disappointment. However, it should also be acknowledged that should we choose to, we can take refuge in the joy of our happy memories. Let it heal us by teaching us gratitude for all those times. For life is not merely a cycle of tests and troubles, but a journey to know and appreciate one’s self, by knowing and appreciating all the colors of His creation. Think about it, all of us have such experiences where we are giddy with happiness, and wish those moments never to end. But of course, life happened and those events passed away. What I have come to understand from life is that in such times, we just need to live those moments to their fullest. Let their happiness wash over us, seep in to our souls, warm our hearts, and lighten our burdens. For then the pleasure of that happiness shall stay with us, to be remembered for ever, and visited in a time of sadness and sorrow.

A few weeks back, I experienced such happiness at the wedding ceremonies of two of my best friends; Ahsan and Sikander. It was a joy beyond expression. I felt as if all of us; my friends and their wives and all the guests, were in a giant bubble of mirth and merry-making, and I was just about to burst with the euphoria. My elation was such that I felt myself in a trance like state, reminiscing about our childhood together. In my mind’s eye, I saw us growing up together to the present time. Lost in my memories, I could see Sikandar; coming to sit with me quiet and reluctant to ask me about my accident. I saw all four of us Sikandar, Ahsan, and my other best friend, Serwan, play fighting each other, watching horror movies and turning them into comedies, and having heated discussions about brain drain and other things. I saw Sikandar making me drive a car in our eighth grade. I saw Ahsan reading to me lengthy novels, for hours at a stretch. I saw him describing anime to me with an enthusiasm, found only in the purity of childhood. He used to read the subtitles at the speed of the dialog delivery. I saw all four of us on the chair lift in Murree, then boating at Jallo Park in Lahore. And above all, I saw Ahsan, giving up his rest; and dedicating his well-earned leisure hour in being my writer for my research paper. Yes dear reader, in those few minutes I relived a thousand memories and savored the taste of a thousand distinct pleasures. Such is the power of human heart and friendship. These friends of mine have always done their best to be my sight and my touch in the world of colors and images. Whether it was swimming or driving, watching movies and anime or taking days long trips to other cities, they made me an integral part of their lives and in doing so became an inseparable part of my own. And now two of them have ascended another step on the ladder of life and have been blessed the companionship of their better halves. By the Grace and Mercy of The Most Merciful, The Most Loving, they have been bestowed upon the honor of raising their own families, and have taken up the role of being their guardians.

Dear Ahsan and Ayesha bhabi, Sikandar and Maria bhabi, many congratulations for this sacred union. May Allah turn your life into a fountain of joy and happiness from which gushes forth all the mirth and laughter in your family. May your hearts and this bond be filled by the Noor of His Love and Mercy. May your affections for each other be strengthened by His Love, and may your relationship weather the test of time and transcend the barriers of life and death, to be together in the eternal bliss of His Gardens. Amin.

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