
  • The Beauty of Life
    Once before I wrote about the beauty of life and had described how it is a natural part of our lives but most of us either take it for granted or do not appreciate it’s existence at all. Lately however, I have been told and coerced by my hurt and… Read more: The Beauty of Life
  • A Question of Sincerity
    To say that any of us can truly understand our deepest natures would at its best be a self-assuring statement and at its worst is a self-deceiving lie. For no matter who we are, what we do, the journey of self-discovery, of knowing ourselves continues to the very end of… Read more: A Question of Sincerity
  • A Solitary Stillness: The Healing Hand
    In its deathly stillness, I hear His voiceless words echoing across the cavernous conflict Resonating my entire soul, dissolving the forlorn stillness into a profound silence. “Oh, son of Adam, indeed, ‘He answers those who believe and do good’.” (Surah Ash-Shura) Trials of faith and generosity, trust and loyalty, oppressive… Read more: A Solitary Stillness: The Healing Hand
  • Prayers of an Embittered Heart
    Love and hatred our bonds forged by the sincerity of those whose devotions are unwavering and whose loyalties are unyielding. So it is that those who love best also possess within their love the dormant knowledge of how to hate the deadliest. For though the warmth of love nurtures life… Read more: Prayers of an Embittered Heart
  • A Solitary Stillness
    From beneath the blanket of a lightless blackness, I have felt the warmth of a thousand splendid suns. From my perch atop the hill called love and friendship, I have heard a great symphony of countless melodies – songs of deceit and devotion, trust and treachery. To the winding woods… Read more: A Solitary Stillness

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