Arab man praying on mat in desert. Male is in traditional wear. He is kneeling on sand.

A Solitary Stillness: The Healing Hand

In its deathly stillness, I hear His voiceless words echoing across the cavernous conflict

Resonating my entire soul, dissolving the forlorn stillness into a profound silence.

“Oh, son of Adam, indeed, ‘He answers those who believe and do good’.” (Surah Ash-Shura)

Trials of faith and generosity, trust and loyalty, oppressive truths, and crushing realities

Consuming questions, and dark uncertainties, are a part of your legacy is my deputy.

A Quiet Nobility

Let not this truth be forgotten that the creation belongs to you, and you belong to the Creator!

Let your weary heart find strength in His strength, forbearance from His forbearance!

Let your soul soar free and be winged by His love and mercy!

Let His healing hand hold your bleeding conviction and become your North Star!

For the solitary stillness is but a passing shadow of your humility

Cast by the blazing aura of your all-enduring faith in yourself and in Him and His omniscient magnanimity.

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