drawing of a wolf and lamb

Bleat Of The Slaughtered Sheep

Yes, the night was quiet as ever.
Long and lifeless, serene but shapeless were its shades and shadows.
Asleep under the blanket of its bleakness were hearts made of lead and stone, blackened flesh and hollowed bones. Listen carefully! You shall hear them beating blood and gore out of their slaughtered spirits and broken bodies as the wolves come and gnash their teeth: hungry for more.
The lambs are always running; the wolves are always chasing.
An alarmed bleat of helpless innocence, a powerful pounce of might and murder
And the hunt is always ending with the mangled remains of the bleeding sheep, the triumphant howls of the feeding wolves.
So sing the silent nights of Palestine.

These hearts were once warm with love and loyalty, pride and hospitality.
Then the wolves cameā€¦ Cloaked under a beguiling innocence, seeking refuge and sanctuary.
For a while, sheep and the wolves flocked together under the barking menace of a colonial humanity.
The wolves gradually grew in might and marked the shared land as their own territory.
The sheep resisted and the slaughter began.
For decade, hence, the wolves have wept with crimson cruelty.
Fake innocence falling off their eyes and bloody leers.
The sheep have cried for help and deliverance
But we, the world, hear only a meaningless bleating of a sheep destined for slaughter by colonial decree.
So tells time this tale of Israel and Palestine.

Let the days dawn anew in the scorching heat of our shame and realization of our humanity!
Let the sun shine through the golden splendor of our voices in unison in support of the innocent!
Let us be the end to the brutish aggression of Israel!

Let us be the end to the sufferings of Palestine!

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