Surah Al Maida Caligraphy

The Hands of Mercy

“…whoever kills a soul unless for a soul or for corruption [done] in the land – it is as if he had slain mankind entirely. And whoever saves one – it is as if he had saved mankind entirely.” Surah Al-Maida (5:32)

Life revolves around the principle of interdependency. Each and every one of us is an irreplaceable strand of an ever-expanding web of relations we know as our lives, professions, societies, and our respective nations. Consequently, every person and profession, every society and their respective cultures and nations are essential to sustain the diversity and in effect the prosperity and evolution of the entire humanity.gartenmöbel design
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However, it so happens that most of us succumb to the overwhelming engagements of our individual lives and professions So that whether knowingly or otherwise, we find ourselves forgetful of the fact that each and every single one of us is as indispensable for the other as petals of a flower are for each other, as every flower is for sustaining the beauty of an entire garden. Our forgetfulness results in an endless comparison of worth and value of our professions, claiming one’s superiority of contribution over the other which diminishes us as persons of merit and sound judgement, and defiles the sanctity of the professions we bring into a competition of worth against each other. If soldiery is a profession of bravery and sacrifice, policing is a profession of maintaining the law and morality of a society. If engineering is a profession of innovation and invention, teaching is a profession which nurtures the knowledge and intellect of a society. Can any of these professions be considered more significant and contributing towards our nation than the other? Would it be just at our part to proclaim the respect and importance of any profession over the other merely on the validation of our personal opinion?

Certainly not. For the only way in which a profession takes precedence over the other, and deserves to be honored above all others is in times when it is demanded to be of service to its nation, it does so with a passion and perseverance of heroic proportions. For instance, right now the bravery and sacrifice of a soldier, the alertness and the watchfulness of a policeman, the ingenuity of an engineer, and the tireless dedication of a teacher can all be appreciated in our doctors.

In the face of this rapidly increasing threat of coronavirus, these worthy ladies and gentlemen have become the sole of nobility itself in putting themselves at life-threatening risks in the line of their duty to administer caution and cure respectively to all the patients in their charge. For those 4,187 and more patients who have been diagnosed with this virus these doctors are the hands of mercy, working 24/7 to deliver them from the fatality of their condition. For those 58 who have lost their lives to this pandemic, they are the guilt ridden survivors who nevertheless, let their guilt be absorbed by the call of their noble duty, and let it redouble their efforts to safeguard all our lives against this subtle and treacherous enemy.

Their bravery is evident in their embracing the danger of being a victim of such a contagious disease while treating its patient. Their sacrifice should be honoured by every Pakistani, as they selflessly remove themselves from the lives of their loved ones, their family and friends in self quarantine, just to look after us and to provide us the safety of enjoying our time with our loved ones, our family and friends. Their dedication to their profession, their devotion to their fellow countrymen bespeaks of their moral strength and the dignity of their professional ethics. Above all, every conscientious person salutes all the doctors throughout the world who have left no stone unturned in exploring every ounce of their ingenuity and intellectual resources to come up with a counteractive medicine or vaccine to get rid of this life consuming epidemic.

In essence, the world we live in is an interdependent place and we cannot survive without acknowledging our significance to each other’s survival and evolution. So, let us all pay our tribute to every single doctor who has put their life on the line for the sake of humanity. Let us too endeavour to become the hands of mercy for others by any means possible, in any way we can. For just as we are dependent upon others for our benefit, so are they, and so is the entire world!

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