Poet’s Note: Sometimes, those blinded by their sight and other abilities fail to accept and understand others as well as they understand each other. As a result, knowingly or unknowingly they end up merely respecting their presence; but inadvertently banishing them from their circles. Exiled from their company and friendship; those who experience the bitterness of such a trial; form a voiceless response; which can only be heard by The All Hearing. The following poem is an expression of such a forlorn anguish.
I stand here; in the dark; Silent and alone,
With pain being my body; And sorrow as my soul.
Caged; in an empty solitude, I find myself lost.
Lost; in a burnt attitude; A black and bitter truth.
Truth of a people; I cherish; as mine own;
And for whom; I still stand here; Silent and all alone.
Betrayal shook me; And bereaved me of my voice,
Innocence poisoned me; And deprived me of my choice
My faith remains; But a dying fire, in a growing wilderness.
My purpose shames; these shining stars into a darkening ignorance.
So reason bids me despair; To hope no more,
Doubt tempts me to fear; To jump off the shore.
Yet,I cling to Thee; And to Thy mercy alone,
For it shall guide me; To a place, I call Home,
Thus, I wait here; in the dark; Patient but forlorn,
With gain; being my glory; and hopes of my childish folly.