Poet’s Note: There are certain truths that we have forgotten amidst the anguished cries of innocent men, women, and children: who are being mercilessly slaughtered for the political gains of the powerful. For instance, we have forgotten that all of us are sons and daughters of Adam and Eve peace (be upon them both); and as such are kin to each other. In addition to this: today’s race for material gain has leached all the sensitivity out of our hearts. So that we have also forgotten that the ties binding us together are deeper and more divine that we can ever imagine. According to the glorious Quran; before the beginning of all creation; every soul yet to be born; testified to The All-Mighty being the one and only Lord and Cherisher of every creature. Thus the learned say, this ancient oath is the foundation of humanity’s ties to each other.
The following verses express the true significance of this vow: and explain why; The All Knowing has said; “whoever kills a soul: unless for a soul; or for corruption done in the land; it is as if he has slain entire humanity: and whoever saves a soul; it is as if he has save entire humanity.”
Sometimes, when the world is silent all around you,
And the earth is lifeless beneath your feet,
When the heavens are weeping tears of loneliness,
And the sun is eclipsed; by pain and grief,
When the moon is drowning; in a bitter sweet sadness,
And the stars are extinguishing; in a darkening ignorance,
Then know; dear reader that your heart yearns for a companion:
A soul to befriend: a life to connect with.
For no man may claim; his rights to humanity,
If he submits not; to its sanctity:
That; which was proclaimed; when the universe was still in its infancy,
When light had not known its blazing majesty,
And the darkness was yet shrouded; in an awaiting secrecy,
When every other creature was still asleep;
In a lightless slumber; of a timeless expectancy:
It was then; that our Lord, The most High, The Most Merciful,
Had gathered us all; in His eternal court of absolute love, justice, and authority,
To ask us all: “Am I not your Lord?”
To which each and every one of us had replied:
Indeed; You; and You alone; is our Master,
The One true Creator,
And our Sustainer,
The King; to whom belongs all sovereignty.
Thus, were we all tethered together; in a golden bond of servitude and loyalty,
To the only truth; in this world’s fictitious reality,
And in the Hereafter’s perpetual certainty.
In so doing: our souls were blessed and softened by slivers of His Light, Love, and Mercy,
To be a part of our being for all eternity: the essence of all humanity.
For no matter what cast, creed or culture;
His love and our testimony; binds us all to Him; and to each other,
In a brotherhood, loftier than the loftiest of the heights; and deeper than the deepest of the seven seas.