You speak to me of my beliefs to be inconsistent with the swift flow of time. You say that my nature of trusting people in spite of any misgivings I may have about them is nothing short of stupidity. And you actually wanted me to believe that He, The Most Merciful, The Most Loving has abandoned me to my misery since I have displeased Him so. You deceived me into questioning His Wisdom and His Mercy as to why things happen the way they happen, reminding me of the A. P. S. incident and the falling of the crane in His own House. Above all, you nearly convinced me to sever all those bonds of friendship and fraternity which allow me to see the world in all its colors, and have taught me to hear the sweet soothing melody of life, the great symphony of noble sentiments and honest emotions. Amplifying my guilt and grief, my fears and my regrets to a hundred fold, you created a discord in the clear notes of my heart. In fact you almost got me persuaded that only by distancing myself from others can I find any redemption of my honor and prevent any further desecration of my relations on my account.
Before I answer you, let me tell you something that Allah All Mighty says Himself about the bond we humans share with Him. He says “and when my servants ask you (Oh Muhammad) concerning me, indeed I am near. I respond to the infliction of the supplicant, when he calls upon me. So let them respond to me by obedience, and believe in me that they may be rightly guided.“ So no matter what happens, He is always there for us. No matter how heedless we are from His love for us, He always waits for our return to Him with His mercy and forgiveness.
You see, we humans have something that you, a being of self-love, pride, and arrogance could never understand. The willingness to gladly sacrifice everything for Him, and upon His bidding, for those we love. Such a sacrifice lies at the root of our bond with Him. How then, can I or any of my kin honestly believe that He would ever leave us in our misery?
No. He never does. In fact the one and only truth that dissipates all of your lies is that this world is a place of test and trials, and His love is the only power that sustains our endurance and keep us content, even when our lives are burning with the agony of our trials. Whether it’s the devastation of natural calamities or the slaughter of the innocent at the hands of the cruel, this is how He has designed this world to be. The cruel shall be punished for their cruelty and the innocent shall be rewarded for their endurance or compensated for their losses. Such are these trials and we are punished or rewarded according to the choices we make to deal with these tests. However, even in these trials, He does not stop showing His mercy and does not test us more than that of our capacity.
I now leave you to rot in your cold, clammy prison of hatred and despair: and end my answer with the following reassuring words of my Master. “Whoever does righteousness whether male or female while he is a believer, we will surely cause him to live a good and pure life. And we will surely give them their reward in the here-after according to the best of what they use to do.” Surah Nahl
“Allah does not charge a soul with more than that of its capacity. For it (is only) that which it has earned, and against it (only) that which it has deserved. Our Lord! Condemn us not if we forget, or miss the mark! Our Lord! Lay not on us such a burden as you did lay on those before us! Our Lord! Impose not on us that which we have not the strength to bear! Pardon us, absolve us and have mercy on us, Thou, our Protector, and give us victory over the disbelieving folk.” Surah Baqarah