Poet’s Note: In return to our wordless cries for help and guidance, just as voiceless, answers are divinely inspired within the hearts of the faithful. Following are the verses of such a nature; and whose majesty taught me the wisdom of bonds and relations. The Archaic English was a mistake on my part but the language seemed to be crucial to the essence of the poem.
Oh ye wanderer of thy own heart,
Seek refuge of Him; who blessed Noah his ark,
For Him it is; whose name illuminates all dark,
And He it is; who awakened the desires of thy forlorn heart,
To see; whether you strive to flee; Or to fly,
For Indeed! The world you live in is a trial; from Him, The Most Wise, The Most High.
Thou art not a lost soul;
But a soul; in forging for a noble goal,
Forging to a blade; Cutting through deceit and deception;
And all life’s charade: Nay; to slay all; that is a lie.
Yet, Thou art; but a lonely child of Adam,
Seeking companions: In the shadows of his dark plight.
Lo: the gloom hath ended,
For indeed, He hath blessed thee; Light unblended;
And companions; forever befriended.
A thousand names of a thousand persons,
And of thousands more to come; before life’s ended,
All shalt be the stars that brighten thy horizons.
So, Let thy faith be ablaze; with love and life,
Let these fiery torches of Heavens; be thy companions and guide.
For “Blessed, is He; In Whose hands is the dominion: And He is over all things Competent”,
“He is the First; and He is the Last, and He is The Manifest; And He is The Hidden,
And He is the Knower of All things.”
He is Allah; Thy Master and Thy Creator, Thy Cherisher and Thy Sustainer,
And He it is; who says “Remember me,
And I shall remember thee,
And be grateful to Me,
And do not deny Me.”