Talha Masood

The Chains of Change

  Since the dawn of humanity the battle between vice and virtue has raged on within every person. Sometimes our choices define us. Sometimes as justification to our conscience; to the world; and to those we hold dear, we define our choices. Either way; our firm decisions, determent resolutions, our defeated resolves and willing or

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A lost soul’s agony (part 1): Bitterness

Poet’s Note: Sometimes, those blinded by their sight and other abilities fail to accept and understand others as well as they understand each other. As a result, knowingly or unknowingly they end up merely respecting their presence; but inadvertently banishing them from their circles. Exiled from their company and friendship; those who experience the bitterness

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The Silent Guardian

Poet’s Note: The following poem is composed to express the struggle with one’s conscience and how if one is honest to oneself, they can always find the strength and wisdom to choose what is right over what is easy; and the courage to face and accept one’s own reality. Sadness dwells in a sorry heart,

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