
Arab man praying on mat in desert. Male is in traditional wear. He is kneeling on sand.

A Solitary Stillness: The Healing Hand

In its deathly stillness, I hear His voiceless words echoing across the cavernous conflict Resonating my entire soul, dissolving the forlorn stillness into a profound silence. “Oh, son of Adam, indeed, ‘He answers those who believe and do good’.” (Surah Ash-Shura) Trials of faith and generosity, trust and loyalty, oppressive truths, and crushing realities Consuming […]

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footprints in sand

A Solitary Stillness

From beneath the blanket of a lightless blackness, I have felt the warmth of a thousand splendid suns. From my perch atop the hill called love and friendship, I have heard a great symphony of countless melodies – songs of deceit and devotion, trust and treachery. To the winding woods of kindness and compassion, I

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lone man looking at sunset from mountain top

The Unheeded Madness

The silences are stretching longer and longer,My life’s blood’s getting thinner and thinner,The day eludes me,The night haunts me,My heart thuds and I hear a whisper. “I wait for you and yet yearn to be stopped waiting,I yearn for you and yet wait to be stopped yearning,My affection consumes me,My longing destroys me,Yet: my heart

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