surah duha verse

Faith: The Greatest Strength of Humanity!

We humans are perhaps the strangest, most resilient of all creatures. In times of crisis, though our hearts tremble in anguish and we cower in helplessness before our misery, though our mental faculties are traumatized and we find ourselves paralyzed with confusion and indecision, most often our strength of will solidifies into a shield of sheer courage and determination which allows us to move forward and evolve into better versions of ourselves. Consequently, our endurance pulls us through our difficulties, and we break free from our torment to appreciate life and all its colors with the vigor of our renewed hope. Interestingly, the source of our will and endurance, courage, and determination, is in the conviction of our faith in ourselves, in divine guidance, and in the way we live our lives.

Faith is something which goes beyond the usual scope of our understanding. It is to believe in your own self, in your resolve to withstand all kinds of storms and not to let them uproot your stance no matter what. The more unwavering your conviction is about yourself, the greater you would have the strength to overpower all your adversities. Whether it is a spiritual dilemma or a physical ailment, a financial crisis or a bitter disappointment of a failed friendship, all that you need is an ironclad belief in your own ability to survive through the anguish of your trials.

At this point we begin to ask ourselves that even if we believe in our endurance, is it even possible to weather all kinds of trials and troubles and still survive their heavy toll? If it is, then how? If truth be told, the answer to this question is most likely subjective to every individual. Nevertheless, it should be acknowledged that the anchorage of such an unshakeable belief needs to be yet another layer of faith in Him who always has our backs no matter what, whose might and mercy, knowledge and wisdom, are absolute an infinite. Such a belief lends us the required resolve and resilience to have a complete faith in our own abilities. For instance, the belief which has so far sustained my struggles as a special, differently able person without my eyes and hands is that The Creator does not consider His creation complete without every single person who walks the Earth today. This reassures me about my significance to Him and my duty to His creation. How can I or anyone else for that matter defy his judgement in believing that we are not worth anything, that we are not important enough, when He Himself has deemed us worth creating and making a part of this universe? So it is that our faith in Him is often the foundation for our faith in ourselves.

However, faith can only be sustained to its fullest when it is manifested in the way we live our lives. Simply put, we need to be honest to ourselves, to our beliefs, to those all around us and to the nature of our relationship with others. Only with such a lifestyle which centers upon our honesty can we truly benefit ourselves and the world at large. For our characters would then be so strong and sincere in their truest nature that we would emerge victorious against all challenges that life throws at us.

In essence dear reader, let us not be deterred by our own self belittling thoughts! Let us not be betrayed by our own anguished imagination to let go of our self-worth and bow down to despair or disappointment! Let us have a rock hard conviction that all our trials and tribulations are nothing but a trying process of our own evolution!

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