man wandering in woods

Lost in the woods

I did not know it would be so dark here. As always I was merely walking the path I usually walked. My conviction guided me and caution was my guard. Still I did not know when we entered the strange woods. Its trees were tall and majestic, their shades welcoming. Its calming beauty caused us […]

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lone man looking at sunset from mountain top

The Unheeded Madness

The silences are stretching longer and longer,My life’s blood’s getting thinner and thinner,The day eludes me,The night haunts me,My heart thuds and I hear a whisper. “I wait for you and yet yearn to be stopped waiting,I yearn for you and yet wait to be stopped yearning,My affection consumes me,My longing destroys me,Yet: my heart

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Two rockets landing in tandem

Breaking the Boundaries

12th of April is celebrated as the International Day of Human Spaceflight. It is a day which signifies the immeasurable strength of resolve and the incalculable power of achievement of human intellect and perseverance. It was on this day, in 1961 that a 27 years old Soviet pilot Yuri Gagarin broke all barriers of human

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Surah Al Maida Caligraphy

The Hands of Mercy

“…whoever kills a soul unless for a soul or for corruption [done] in the land – it is as if he had slain mankind entirely. And whoever saves one – it is as if he had saved mankind entirely.” Surah Al-Maida (5:32) Life revolves around the principle of interdependency. Each and every one of us

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In its literal terms the word rigidity refers to an inflexibility of characters, concepts, and ideas. Generally however, it implies to the highly prejudiced and immovable judgments of people about others to be right or wrong, decent or indecent, on the basis of their gender, the colors of their skin, their ethnicity, race or religion.

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The Luxury of Normalcy

According to Masashi Kishimoto, “each of us is bound by our individual knowledge and awareness of things which we call reality. One’s reality might just be another’s  fantasy.” Simply put; all of us are writers of our own distinctly unique realities, our own stories. Our choices are the pen, our feelings and emotions, our experiences

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A Quiet Nobility

Often, it so happens that, surrounded as we are, by the normalcy of our lives, we begin to forget that there are those of us who are destined to endure the white hot flames of test and trial, of pain and suffering, to burn bright as lamps for the entire humanity; so that this world

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